Thanks for choosing BlueSoleil ! Please follow the below steps to finish the payment.
· Register
· Sign In
· Buy
· Enter Shopping Cart
· Shipping and Payment
· Confirm Orders
· Deliver Products and Confirm Receipt
Tip: You can get more surprise in our Recommended Products
.1.Login, you can see firstly
2.Sign in
If you have registered, you can sign in directly, or else please go to register.
Click , fill in your Login E-mail、Password and Security Code, then click “Login”.

3.Fill in the registration information
Click in any page, or “Free Register” on Login page.
You will see below page , and please fill in your information,then click “Register” to finish it.
4.Once you registered successfully you will see the below page.
5.Select products you like
You can use the search bar at the top of the page, you can choose the product types based on your requirements quickly.
6.Product page
Click the "Product Name / Picture" into the product details page.
Product Details Description:
7. Add products into cart
Click Check if the selected product style / color / quantity, etc. are right, then click "Shop Cart" to add the items to the shopping cart.
You can see the following page after adding successfully.
If you want to continue shopping, click “Continue Shopping”, or else please click on “Proceed to Checkout”.
8.Review your shopping cart
Click on the top right of the page.

Then you can view your shopping cart information, as shown below:
If the products you have selected in your shopping cart are correct, please click "Proceed to Checkout" to the next step.
9.You need to log in again to confirm the purchase information

You can choose one convenient payment method based on your need.
Click “Submit Order”,you can see the information below.
Description of PayPal:
Ⅱ.Master Credit Card
10.You will receive the notification that you have successfully placed the order.
11.We will deliver your products and please confirm receipt.
Thanks for choosing BlueSoleil again, wish you have a pleasant shopping experience!
Welcome to you next time!