2014/4/24 0:09:45
Source: BlueSoleil
Important note:
don’t use the third-party software to uninstall BlueSoleil ,such as 360
software , because the third party uninstall tool cannot eliminate install
registry information, etc.
If you unload the BlueSoleil
uncarefully, any problem, please refer to the following methods .
the start menu, input regedit, open the registry.
Find the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ IVT Corporation, right-click
the IVT Corporation , then choose delete.(
Windows 7 64 - bit systems, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SoftWare \ Wow6432Node \ IVT
Corporation, right-click IVT Corporation ,then choose delete)
Delete the whole items of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ BSAddins (if you
can’t find it, you can ignore it)
4. Delete the subitems of BlueSoleil in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Installer
\ Products \ (if you can’t find it, you can ignore it)
Delete the subitems of BlueSoleil in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \
Microsoft \ Installer \ Products \ (if you can’t find it, you can ignore it)
Delete the residues of the
registries ,then you can reinstall successfully.
(Credit: BlueSoleil)