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Product Info

Thomas Margraff
Level: 2 Level: 2
Rate: updated at 2021-06-21 00:27:16

Is it possible to purchase this product (BlueSoleil 8) one time, and installed on more than one computer. The computers have the same IP adress. If so, can it be installed on atleast 3 diffrent machines, or is it unlimited installation. Also, does it work well with Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Lastly, is there a good bluetooth dongle usb that works great with Blue Soleil, has a good range (60ft and up), fast speed (3Mps and up), works with 7 Pro 64 bit, and can connect to atleast 7 devices and still have good quality.

Reply (3)

jenni replied at 2021-06-21 00:27:16

Rate this page and give me all of the divided information which we all needed for our working purpose only. If you have multiple order term paper options that time here you have those things which are good and always keep your those material for you which are here now.

BlueSoleil_Support replied at 2010-12-06 02:43:36

Sorry, please permit me to tell you that it is only avalible to use on one computer now.


ScullShot replied at 2010-12-03 14:43:06

Im interested in your question too I want to install blue soleil 8 in more than 1 computers after i purchase it. Is it possible? If you find out let me know


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