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Level: 1
Rate: updated at 2013-12-16 21:47:40
Some of you people have terrible negative thoughts on this software and for you Taylor you don't need to swear, perhaps if you purchased the correct Dongle in the first instance you wouldn't have had such a bad experience, I have found this software to be simple to set up with my headset, my mobile, my keyboard and even my mouse and give the said software a gold star well above the five star rating, maybe you are just not cut out for modern day technology but swearing and cursing certainly wont help you in your quest.....................maybe someone with more experience could help......lol
Reply (1)

bran replied at 2013-12-16 21:47:40

SEdward,Esq., I agree, This software is the best on the market. I have a blazing fast Bluetooth personal area network between three PC computers, a MacBook Pro, an iMac, two wireless headsets, multiple mice and keyboards. (Not to mention my mobile phone and tablet) Some computers function better with the Bluetooth 4.0 technology. When I had my old dongle in the HP the sound was ragged and broken. When I put in the Bluetooth 4.0 dongle, it sounds as if it were wired instead. Super crystal clear. No one tells you how intricate that Bluetooth really is. It is not a plug and play type set up. It take trial and error and knowing the correct equipment and which USB slots to put them in. (The 4.0 dongle actually works better in the 2.0 USB ports than the 3.0 ports on my gaming laptop.) Don't scrap the software just yet. Trust me I have literally physically punched a laptop before due to a hard drive failing. It can get very frustrating. Hang in there, This is a really good product.

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